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Now that the villain played by Benedict Cumberbatch has been set up in the teaser trailers, its time for James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) to have his day.  The new trailer focuses on the captain of the USS Enterprise and his knack for undermining authority. Watch new extensive footage of the May 17th release.

The minute and 18 second trailer for the Star Trek sequel premiered in movie theaters ahead of OZ: The Great and Powerful the weekend of March 8th.

Continuing his antics from the first film, James T. Kirk has not conformed to the ways of the Federation. In the preview, Captain Pike (Bruce Greenwood) admonishes Kirk for not following the rules.  Kirk also takes on the task of going after the “fugitive.” We still don’t the know the name of the Federation traitor (Cumberbatch), but apparently he went rogue in London.

There’s no shortage of action in space, land and by sea.  The J.J. Abram directed sequel hopefully won’t fall to the dreaded “sequelitis” in which the story goes by the wayside in an effort to raise the bar on the action.  With Abrams at the helm, we shouldn’t worry.

Even Uhura (Zoe Saldana), Bones (Karl Urban), Spock (Zachary Quinto), and Sulu (John Cho) get in on the action with a quick appearance in the new preview.

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