INTERVIEW: WARM BODIES Director and Cast In Defense Of Talking Zombies


Hard core horror fans may be crying foul over a talking, head over heels in love zombie in WARM BODIES.  The WARM BODIES stars and director have a pitch that’s sure to get those naysayers into movie theaters.

Based on Isaac Marion’s novel WARM BODIES, the young writer tells CineMovie he received hate mail when his book was published. One fan wrote on his Facebook wall, “You should be launched into the sun and burned alive for destroying zombies.”  Another person suggested that a talking zombie was “medically impossible.” Marion finds the reactions “funny” and says those passionate responses come from a “narrow view of what a genre is.”  He explains the story is less about star-crossed lovers and more of about a social, philosophical commentary.

When CineMovie sat down with WARM BODIES director Jonathan Levine, Levine also expects the haters to “blame him” for ruining zombie movies, and he’s “okay with it.”  However, he hopes people can be open-minded since the movie is true to the historical use of zombie movies.  He was very cognizant of keeping with the genre as social commentary.  Watch 4-minute WARM BODIES clip.

“I certainly think zombies, starting with the Night of the Living Dead, are a core metaphor to who we are today.  Zombies more than anything are social commentary and I think we’re doing that. We’re respectful to the history.”
Making a zombie a romantic lead was simply a “new direction”  much like what Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright did with Shaun of the Dead when zombies were fodder for laughter.

Warm-Bodies-movie-image2WARM BODIES stars Nicholas Hoult, Julie Palmer, and Dave Franco agree that any genre shouldn’t be restricted by a formula. Here’s more reasons why they think fans should flock to see WARM BODIES.
Nicholas Hoult “R’ Zombie
“It should be given a chance because it’s funny first of all. It doesn’t take itself too seriously. I think the characters are very likable.”

Julie Palmer “Julie”

“I’m hoping the zombie lovers will be open-minded. There’s definitely a quirky take on the zombie genre. We still have a lot of stuff in there for the zombie lovers. We have typical zombies. We have gore. We have the eating of the brains. Romance. We got a ton of action, monsters… it’s a mixed bag.  You’ll come out happy and satisfied.  It’s just a really fun ride. “

Dave Franco “Perry“

It’s a zombie movie but its one we haven’t seen before. It’s got a really interesting tone that infuses in some humor. “

There you have it.  Are you sold?

WARM BODIES is now playing in movie theaters.



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VIDEO: 4-minute WARM BODIES clip



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