'Lucy in the Sky' Star Natalie Portman On Female Astronauts and Women in the Work Place

Natalie Portman Lucy in the Sky CineMovie interview 850

Natalie Portman stars as an astronaut in LUCY IN THE SKY. Loosely based on a real person, Lucy Cole (Portman) competes against the men for a spot on the next space mission. She opens up about why it's often difficult for women to find a seat at the table let alone in space. Listen to the interview below. 

Upon returning to Earth after her first space walk, Lucy's transcendent experience in outer space has changed her forever. She cannot resume her normal activities and becomes obsessed with fighting for a spot on the next mission. She begins to unravel due to the pressure, her family situation and an affair with a fellow astronaut. 

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At the Los Angeles press conference for LUCY IN THE SKY, CineMovie asked Portman how this role compares to her role in BLACK SWAN in which her character also succumbs to a mental breakdown because of the competitive nature, and what it says about women in the workforce. Listen as she explains how women are often viewed in different professions, and why equal pay is important. 

Movie Review: Lucy in the Sky

LUCY IN THE SKY is now playing in movie theaters. 

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