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New Trailer and Movie Poster: Salma Hayek and Owen Wilson in 'Bliss'

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Bliss movie Salma Hayek Owen Wilson

Owen Wilson is living in a Matrix-like world where his reality may not be real in BLISS. Salma Hayek plays two versions of herself in the movie as a character who straddles both worlds. Watch the new trailer and check out the new poster for the new Amazon Prime movie.

BLISS is a mind-bending love story following Greg (Owen Wilson) who, after recently being divorced and then fired, meets the mysterious Isabel (Salma Hayek), a woman living on the streets and convinced that the polluted, broken world around them is nothing but a computer simulation. Doubtful at first, Greg eventually discovers there may be some truth to Isabel’s wild conspiracy.

Written and Directed by Mike Cahill
Produced by James D. Stern 
Starring Owen Wilson, Salma Hayek, Nesta Cooper

103 Minutes | Rated R

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