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Alfonso Cuaron Returns To His Spanish Roots with 'Roma' Movie

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The two-time Academy Award winner Alfonso Cuaron returns to making films in Spanish with his next movie, ROMA. The new trailer is a black and white work of art which pays tribute to the women who shaped his life and features indigenous women of Mexico. ROMA will be in select theaters and on Netflix later this year.

ROMA chronicles a turbulent year in the lives of a middle-class family in 1970s Mexico City. Cuarón, inspired by the women from his childhood, delivers an artful ode to the matriarchy that shaped his world.

A vivid portrayal of domestic strife and social hierarchy amidst political turmoil, ROMA follows a young domestic worker Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio) from Mixteco heritage descent and her co-worker Adela (Nancy García), also Mixteca, who work for a small family in the middle-class neighborhood of Roma. Mother of four, Sofia (Marina de Tavira), copes with the extended absence of her husband, Cleo faces her own devastating news that threatens to distract her from caring for Sofia’s children, whom she loves as her own. While trying to construct a new sense of love and solidarity in a context of a social hierarchy where class and race are perversely intertwined, Cleo and Sofia quietly wrestle with changes infiltrating the family home in a country facing confrontation between a government-backed militia and student demonstrators.

Filmed in luminous black and white, ROMA is an intimate, gut-wrenching and ultimately life-affirming portrait of the ways, small and large, one family maintains its balance in a time of personal, social and political strife.

ROMA will be available in theaters and on Netflix later this year.

Spanish Synopsis

ROMA narra un año turbulento en la vida de una familia de clase media en la Ciudad de México en la década de los setentas. Cuarón, inspirado en las mujeres de su infancia, ofrece un homenaje artístico al matriarcado que moldeó su mundo.

Es un retrato vívido y emotivo tanto de la lucha diaria de las familias como de las jerarquías sociales en una década llena de inestabilidades políticas, y se centra en la historia de dos jóvenes empleadas domésticas que trabajan para una familia de clase media en la colonia Roma: Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio) y Adela (Nancy García García), ambas de ascendencia mixteca. Sofía (Marina de Tavira), la madre de la familia, convive con las largas ausencias de su esposo para criar a sus cuatro hijos, que Cleo trata de cuidar como si fueran propios a pesar de que pasa por un momento muy difícil. Además, Cleo y Sofía luchan en silencio contra los cambios que afectan el hogar en un país convulsionado por el choque entre grupos paramilitares y protestas estudiantiles, a la vez que tejen un manto de amor y solidaridad en un contexto donde las clases sociales y distintos orígenes se entrelazan intrincadamente.

Filmada en blanco y negro, ROMA es un retrato íntimo, conmovedor y optimista de las relaciones familiares en medio de fuertes cambios personales y sociopolíticos.

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