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BOB AND THE MONSTER New Movie Poster & Trailer

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You may recognize this guy from Celebrity Rehab or from his days in the punk band Thelonious Monster.  Bob Forrest, the former drug addict and now drug counselor, retells his story from stardom to hitting rock bottom in the new documentary, BOB AND THE MONSTER. Check out the poster and trailer for the movie on DVD.

BOB AND THE MONSTER was produced in 2011, but the documentary is getting a theatrical release on September 3rd. Fellow rockers are interviewed for the film including Flea, Anthony Kiedis, Courtney Love, John Frusciante, Frenchie and Celebrity Rehab alum Steven Adler.

“Many rock fans donʼt know the name Bob Forrest, but it wasnʼt meant to be that way. As singer for L.A. freak-punk luminaries Thelonious Monster - contemporaries of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Janeʼs Addiction, Circle Jerks, X and Fishbone - Forrest carved out a name for himself as a volatile, poetic and captivating frontman destined for greatness… and as a junkie. This ultimately touching documentary — through personal interviews, celebrity commentary, archival footage and a variety of animations — chronicles the rise and total fall to rock bottom that led Forrest to reanimate himself as an influential and respected substance-abuse counselor. His unconventional and empathetic approach to treatment — and outspoken opposition to many more conventional forms of it — have made him acontroversial figure to some and a guru to others” NASHVILLE SCENE. “Weʼve seen the rock ʼnʼ roll, drugs, and recovery movie before, but director Keirda Bahruth injects (literally) new life into the genre in Bob and The Monster, the tale of musician Bob
Forrestʼs addiction, recovery, and reinvention as a “punk-rock recovery” counselor.

Combining interviews and animated sequences with an apparent treasure trove of archival footage, Bahruth manages to make a compelling case for sobriety while holding no punches
on exactly how high the highs, and how low the lows, can so often be. Bahruth intersperses the film with interviews with Forrestʼs fellow musicians (and addicts): Anthony Kiedis, Courtney Love, Flea, Steven Adler, a cleaned-up Frusciante, all of whom pay testament to how awful he used to be, and how magnificent he is now. “Heʼs given up his life for the 12th step,” says Love in a surprisingly lucid interview. Sobriety, Forrest says, “is a very simple life,” and you get the sense heʼs found his true calling after a long period of ups and downs, not to mention having finally beaten the monster.” WASHINGTONIAN MAGAZINE “It doesnʼt matter if you donʼt know who Bob Forrest is, or recognize his alt-rock band Thelonious Monster. His is the story of ʼ80s and ʼ90s rock in America. Silverdocs selection Bob & The Monster is a throwback to that time, including both the sublime and the ugly, and itʼs all due to a huge body of well-curated footage. Rock stars just love to document themselves.

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