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First 'Venom' Teaser Trailer & Movie Poster: All Tom Hardy, No Venom

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 Venom Tom Hardy movie

Our first look at VENOM is out with a new teaser trailer, but it's all Tom Hardy in the preview with no glimpse of the transformed Marvel anti-hero. Guess that's why they call it a teaser trailer. Watch new trailer and movie poster below.

What we do get is the sense that the film will be part origins film with an explanation how he came to inhabit Venom. However, since the story takes place in San Francisco where Eddie Brock (Hardy) relocates from New York City in the Marvel comics after he has come to terms with what he has become, the origins of the anti-hero may only be a small part of the film.

6 Things To Know About Tom Hardy's Venom Movie

We may not see Brock transformed into Venom but the black goo is teased with Riz Ahmed's Dr. Carlton Drake standing over it probably devising some evil, genius plan to do harm to someone. Michelle Williams also appears in the teaser over narration by Brock describing how a break can transform someone.

They're keeping the best for last by not revealing what Hardy looks like as Venom. This little morsel definitely has us intrigued.

VENOM opens October 5.

Official Synopsis:

One of Marvel’s most enigmatic, complex and badass characters comes to the big screen, starring Academy Award® nominated actor Tom Hardy as the lethal protector Venom.

Venom IMAX movie poster

Venom Tom Hardy First Look

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