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J.J. Abrams’ Mystery Project

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J.J. Abrams doesn’t tire with keeping fans in the dark.  The producer-director-writer released a new forty-second preview on Twitter, simply titled STRANGER, that may be a new film, tv series or perhaps Web, but no one is talking.

After watching the new video, all we know is that his production company Bad Robot is behind the imagery of a mysterious man reaching the shore drenched and cloaked in a trench coat with ropes hanging around his wrists.  The narrator suggests this person suffers from amnesia but could there be hints of an extraterrestrial existence since the preview starts with a shot of the stars? A narrator gives us hints that only intrigues us further.

“He arrived knowing nothing of himself.”

“Because what begins at the water, shall end there. And what ends there, shall once more begin.”

“Men are erased and reborn.”
The finale to the preview features a man’s mouth stitched together.  Can that be the antagonist chasing down the stranger?

Those chilling words along with the melancholy piano solo can only suggest one thing - a television series.  A man and his journey to discover his existence may take a couple of seasons rather than a two-hour movie.  That’s our best guess, but  knowing Abrams and his team, we’ll get bits and pieces until the final product is unveiled somewhere.

What do you think  TV Series or Movie Project?

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