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 Star Wars Awakens Adam Driver Credit: Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair celebrated May the 4th Be With You in a big way revealing new photos of the villains and other characters from the seventh installment of the Star Wars franchise.  It has been confirmed that Adam Driver is the new dark lord while Game of Thrones’ Gwendoline Christie is the menacing Chrome Trooper briefly seen in the last trailer.  Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz visited the set at London’s Pinewood studios to bring us some of the coolest shots from the J.J. Abrams movie.

Chrometrooper StarWars Force Awakens Credit: Vanity FairThe dark hooded villain briefly seen in the STAR WARS: EPISODE VII teaser with a three-pronged lightsaber is none other than Adam Driver as the villain Kylo Ren. Photograph by Annie Leibovitz, Driver as Kylo Ren commands snow troopers near their snow-covered base.

Lupita Nyong’o’ was also revealed to be a C.G.I. character named Maz Kanata, a pirate running a rogue group with no confirmation if she’s on the Jedi side or the dark side.

Leibovitz also shot Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron posing next to his X-Wing looking cool as a Resistance pilot.

Vanity Fair will be releasing additional photos in their next issue which features Harrison Ford’s Han Solo, with the new crew that includes John Boyega and Daisy Ridley.  Vanity Fair also shot some behind the scenes video footage from the set. Take a look.

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