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Mireille Enos Says Bye Bye To Matriarch Roles in SABOTAGE Movie

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The Killing’s Mireille Enos made the transition to the big screen, but roles such as in World War Z and Gangster Squad relegated her to a motherly/wife position. Finally, the actress is getting her shot at being a bad ass in the new Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, SABATOGE as a member of an elite DEA task force.  Watch the new preview.

Actress Mireille Enos is finally getting her hands dirty with a juicy role in SABOTAGE, surrounded by the manliest of men such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Terrence Howard, Joe Manganiello and Josh Holloway.  Lucky girl, but judging by the trailer, she may be out of luck when the drug cartel come after her and her DEA task force after they rob a drug cartel safe house.  She’s clearly in on the action from the preview so hopefully she makes it to the end. There are plenty of men to kill off first.

While her Killing co-star Joel Kinnaman has gone on to bigger Hollywood movies during his hiatus breaks, including the lead in the Robocop remake, Enos appeared in supporting roles as Brad Pitt’s wife in World War Z and Josh Brolin’s wife in Gangster Squad.  The actress, who came to attention playing police investigator Sarah Linden, has more than proven herself worthy of better roles at the movies so we’re more than excited to see Enos kicking butt in this new film opening April 11, 2014.

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