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New Star Wars: The Last Jedi Movie Poster and Trailer

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It's not fun and games in the latest STAR WARS movie, THE LAST JEDI. The new trailer is out and it suggests Rey might not turn out to be the only hope as a Jedi. Luke Skywalker's (Mark Hammill) line, "This is not going to go the way you think," and a few other lines suggest Rey will go to the dark side. The trailer reveals a lot. Hopefully it's a diversion.

A few hours before the trailer release, Disney and Lucasfilm released a new poster prominently featuring Luke and Leia surrounded by the other players in the movie. What does that also tells us about THE LAST JEDI? What kind of legacy will they be leaving as technically the last Jedis.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Tickets Go On Sale After Trailer Premiere

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