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THE WOLVERINE New Motion Movie Poster & Six Second Preview

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In anticipation of the first trailer reveal Wednesday for THE WOLVERINE starring Hugh Jackman, director James Mangold released a 6 second preview while the studio released an international motion movie poster for the follow up Wolverine movie.

THE WOLVERINE director James Mangold took to Twitter to reveal the first preview to the July 26 release, a quick 6 second glance that features a very angry Logan and a flashback scene involving Famke Janssen as Jean Grey. Mangold promises a 20 second preview Tuesday followed by a full  trailer premiere on March 27 on MTV and Apple Trailers.  Fans have been waiting for anything from the movie that takes Wolverine to Japan to battle ninjas and the Yakuza.  THE WOLVERINE New Movie Images

The international motion one-sheet features rain and moving objects circling Wolverine in a cool optical effect. See it below along with the six second preview that Mangold termed a "tweaser" on Twitter.

CineMovie for one is excited to see more of the fit Hugh Jackman baring his claws and six pack.


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