'The Walking Dead' Stars Suggest a Throuple Between Daryl, Connie and Carol

the walking dead Daryl Connie

The Walking Dead returns for part 2 of season 11, the final season for the AMC series.  Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Carol (Melissa McBride) will somehow end up together on a new spin-off series but will Caryl shippers get their wish for an intimate relationship or will Connie and Daryl shippers win this fight? CineMovie talked to Lauren Ridloff, Eleanor Matsuura and Paola Lazaro about they stand on the debate. 

Daryl and Connie reunite after a long time apart, and we want to know where their constant flirting will take the characters next. 

CM: People are shipping Connie and Daryl, and there's a reunion. So Lauren, what can you tease us with? And also for the Eleanor and Paula, would you like to see them together? And finally what you think of Lauren's performance as an Eternal. She is badass as Makkari so I was wondering if you saw it?


Lauren: Well shipping! Oh, I will say that the Caryl -ers and Donnie shippers will continue to waging that war. I think they'll keep it going. And I love, I love seeing that I happen. I do think fans will find the season to be very interesting. The Caryl-ers and the Donnie so we'll see. But yes, I do feel so blessed to be able to portray two really strong females, you know, Connie and Makkari. I mean, and it's been such a huge honor just to be able to do both to portray both of them. I'm just proud of both of them.


CM: And Eleanor and Paola, what team are you on?

Eleanor: A hundred percent. I think she'd make a great match with Daryl. I mean, you know, I feel like I wish them well, you know, they seem like they make each other happy. We need some happiness on the show. I'd like to see a relationship end well, so yeah, I'm rooting for them. I just wanna say, of course, I saw Lauren play Makkari. My God, I couldn't wait. I literally wanted to have the entire experience. As soon as I could go to the cinema, I went big bucket of popcorn, watched it, texted Lauren afterward. And I was like, and I mean, this sincerely, this should come as no surprise, but I was like, it was not in any way weird seeing Lauren as a superhero. I was just like, oh yeah, of course. There she is. The most like a natural progression. I was like, yeah, she's a freaking superhero. Like she should have a spinoff. She was the best one in it.

the walking dead Princess Yumiko 

CM: Paola?


Paola: Ah man! Yeah. I wanna see some happiness on The Walking Dead too. It's a tough one, but there is like such an innocent and beautiful connection between Connie and Daryl that I wanna see where that would go. And I also wanna see, I wanna see both of the things. I wanna see where both of those relationships would go like him and, and Carol too. But I think there's something about Connie and Daryl that is so pure and beautiful and innocent, and we don't have that much innocence on the show. So I would wanna see that innocence live through, you know?


CM: Yeah. I agree. Totally. I used to ship Carol and Daryl, but now I'd ship Connie and Daryl.


Lauren: What about a throuple? I mean, there's always that opportunity for a throuple.


Eleanor: Yeah. Why are we living in...


Lauren: That's not a bad idea?


Eleanor: .. such narrow times, guys. This is 2022.


CM: Why not?


Lauren: Open our minds just a little bit.

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