ANCHORMAN 2 New Movie Review: Ron Burgandy Goes Full Blown Mexican


Nine years has past since Anchorman left a mark on pop culture. Does the sequel live up to the original?  Well, you’re getting the same kind of silliness but this time Ron Burgandy has gone “full blown Mexican” so of course, we’re liking it.  Among all the little surprises in the movie, there was one famous face that took the fun out of movie.

Ron Burgandy (Will Ferrell) and his rag tag news crew (Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, David Koechner) return for twice the political incorrectness in ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND CONTINUES.  The news crew come together in New York City for the first 24-hour news channel (GNN) after Ron and Veronica (Christina Applegate) split as a married couple. Veronica is given the national news spot while Ron is fired from his co-anchor position.  Ron Burgandy has gone through some sort of transformation since we last saw him nine years ago. When his boss, Harrison Ford asks “what are you?,” Burgandy responds “full blown Mexican from the state of Oaxaca.”  What!  Later when he’s hailing down a cab in New York City, he yells out, “Can’t a proud Mexican get a cab in this place.”  Will Ferrell is obviously continuing his Casa de Mi Padre character in which he played a Mexican rancher from Oaxaca.  Good thing he’s representing the Latinos because there are no other Spanish surnames in this outing.

Forget the decongestant to clear up that head cold and chest congestion, laughter is the best medicine and you’re getting that with this on screen reunion. ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND CONTINUES had me in stitches, which helped clear my passage ways. The jokes are a plenty at the start of the comedy with one-liners and non-PC remarks that had the audience roaring in laughter. Towards the middle, the consistent funny dissipates a bit, but by the end, the laughter continues.  

There are some déjà vu moments towards the end when the film follows the same format as the original with a scene where various news station crews converge for a brawl.  The hilarious scene brings together Ferrell’s past co-stars and big stars such as Kristen Wiig, Liam Neeson, Kirsten Dunst, Vince Vaughn, Sacha Baron Cohen, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, John C. Reilly and Jim Carrey representing the likes of BBC, Canadian News, a History Channel, an entertainment news channel and others. It amped up the ridiculous, but it was quite enjoyable seeing such a congregation of familiar faces.  Kristen Wiig on Cameo in ANCHORMAN 2: 'It was Surreal'


There was one face that burst my bubble though – Kayne West as a MTV-type DJ from the 80s. Really!  Why put his mug among all these other talented comedians and actors?   Hope he sticks to his day job and keeping Kim Kardashian in the limelight.

ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES not only provided the laughs, but some commentary on today's news format with obvious jabs at news channels like Fox News and CNN for the type of media coverage they call news.   

Expect a good time at ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES, but take some tissues if you’re fighting that cold because you’ll be coughing up some yuck with countless laugh-at-loud moments.

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