Bella Thorne Talks 'Ratchet and Clank', and Not Conforming to Hollywood Standards

Bella Thorne Miami

Former Disney darling Bella Thorne ("Shake It Up," The DUFF) is taking her acting to animation as part of the voice cast of RATCHET AND CLANK, the movie adaptation of the popular Playstation game coming to theaters April 29. As “Cara,” not only does she play one of the tough-as-nails Galactic Ranger out to save the galaxy from an alien bent on destroying the galaxy, but that strength also translates to her real-life. The 18-year-old Florida native tells CineMovie she’s had to push back on Hollywood demands, and she’s proud of that. Watch the interview. 

The RATCHET AND CLANK star sat down with CineMovie’s Michael Angelo Gonzalez in Miami and opened up about how she got over her dyslexia as an actress, and how many discouraged her from becoming an actress because of it. Not only has she overcome that hurdle, but the half-Cuban actress tells us she won’t compromise her ideals as a young actress.

RATCHET AND CLANK opens April 29. 

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