Meet the Daredevils of Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Xtreme Circus

Ringling Bros and Barnum Bailey Xtreme Circus

The circus is in town, and the Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey presents a new kind of show with Xtreme Circus where performers are more like daredevils with death-defying feats. CineMovie is talking to a high-wire artist, a trainer who performs with 16 Bengal tigers and performer who defies gravity in a whirling wheel.

Mustafa Danguir is part of the Danguir Troupe high-wire act who perform two stories up, doing somersaults over each other and splits in the most dangerous way. Benny Ibarra, the Great Ibarra, performs his electrifying act on a Pendulum of Steel where he defies gravity with leaps that suspend him in space, both inside and outside the wheel with no safety harness.

Finally we talk to Tabajara Maluendo from Chile who faces 16 Bengal tigers in a cage for some spectacular tricks with the wild cats while exclaiming his catch-phrase "azucar!" which means sweet from a Spanish song by the famous Celia Cruz. He tells us he will be breaking records when he adds a 17th tiger to his act in Ontario and Anaheim. 

Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Presents Xtreme Circus will be in Ontario at the Citizens Business Bank Arena on July 17 through July 21, and at Anaheim at the Honda Center on July 24 through August 2. More information about the circus.

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