SABOTAGE Director Okay with Ultra Violence of Movie (Video)


SABOTAGE is grittier and bloodier than any other David Ayer film, and the director says he was going for that "very violent" nature for the film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

CineMovie sat down with SABOTAGE director David Ayer to discuss his new movie starring a handful of familiar faces such as Schwarzenegger, Terrence Howard, Sam Worthington (Avatar), Joe Manganiello (True Blood), Josh Holloway (Lost) and Mireille Enos (The Killing).  The group play members of an elite DEA task force being hunted down one by one by a drug cartel which they busted. Watch Trailer

The End of Watch director and writer behind Training Day admits to CineMovie that this is his bloodiest film to date. While his past projects are action oriented set in the urban setting, SABOTAGE takes you into the ultra violent world of drug cartels. While the subject matter lends itself to the violence, Ayers tells CineMovie he was going for the 80s style pulp and noir films.  On the other hand, SABOTAGE makes for a great date movie, according to the director since women will be holding on tight to their men during the intense scenes.

SABOTAGE star Arnold Schwarzenegger brought in David Ayer after watching End of Watch. Ayer explains what Arnold was looking for in his ne as the leader of this DEA task force.


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