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Sigourney Weaver Sort of Confirms She'll Be in Next ALIEN Movie and Why Louis C.K. Wants In

While promoting Chappie on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon," Sigourney Weaver admitted to Fallon that she and Chappie director Neil Blomkamp had discussions about an Alien movie. She didn't quite confirm she would return, but she did say Louis C.K. also wanted in and wants to die a horrible death. Watch Weaver's appearance with Jimmy Fallon.

Wednesday, Neil Blomkamp announced via his Instagram that 20th Century Fox had confirmed a new Alien movie with Blomkamp at the helm. Neil started the online community buzzing back in December when he posted artwork he created with his concept for a new Alien film which featured renderings of Weaver with various alien features. It seems to have payed off with confirmation of a new movie, but will Weaver actually be involved. She didn't exactly deny that option on Fallon's show Wednesday.

Another person who is excited about the news is comedian Louis C.K. who Weaver ran into recently, and as a fan of the franchise, he, too, wanted in on the new Alien movie.

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