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New Bright Trailer: David Ayer Brings Cholos Into The Action Sci-Fi Genre

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Leave it to homeboy David Ayer to bring cholos (Latino gangsgers) into the action/sci-fi genre with his new Netflix movie, BRIGHT. The trailer premiered at San Diego's Comic Con and Will Smith stars as a LAPD cop working with Orcs and fighting elves. Sounds like LORD OF THE RINGS meets END OF WATCH. Watch the new trailer and see if you can spot Joel Edgerton, Edgar Ramirez and Noomi Rapace under their prosthetics.

BRIGHT premieres on Netflix in December, and director David Ayer brings the fantasy genre to the mean streets of Los Angeles in an urban version of LORD OF THE RINGS.

On a side note, part of the movie was shot in my old neighborhood and my parish just outside of downtown Los Angeles.

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