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'Rosewood’s' Jaina Ortiz and Lisa Vidal Talk About Playing Mother/Daughter on Show

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Lisa Vidal Rosewood 1

Lisa Vidal ("Being Mary Jane") joins the cast of “Rosewood” as Detective Villa’s mother on FOX’s hit show this Wednesday starring Morris Chestnut and Jaina Ortiz. CineMovie talked to the two Boricuas while on the set of the new show to talk about their contentious relationship in the cop drama.

Lisa Vidal is no stranger to television with roles in "ER," "The Division," "Third Watch," and a recurring role on BET’s “Being Mary Jane.” Jaina Ortiz who plays Detective Villa will have to solve crimes with even more drama when her mother, “Daisey Villa” bulldozes her way into her daughter’s life. Daisey isn’t exactly the maternal type, says Lisa Vidal.

“I’m absolutely here to cause trouble. She’s definitely a Latina mom involved with everything, and very over the top. She enjoys life a little too much as she tries to relive her youth a little bit. And Jaina has a big issue with it.”

Jaina Ortiz Rosewood 1On “Rosewood,” the tension is high for the mother/daughter relationship, but off set, Jaina Ortiz is thrilled to be acting opposite a fellow Boricua from New York which she calls a dream come true.

Ortiz has another reason to celebrate. FOX recently picked up a full season of “Rosewood.”

“I feel like my birthday wish has come true. I’m so grateful to be working with Morris (Chestnut) and Lisa.”

Speaking of Morris Chestnut, Jaina let us in on a little secret from the set.

“He’s addicted to cookies and has a six-pack. I don’t know how he does it. It’s not fair. But he does work out a lot at the gym every day.”

As a veteran actress and a newcomer, both Lisa and Jaina are happy with the diversity on the show.

“Being a strong Latina, intelligent female character on television is very empowering.”

Ortiz adds that the diversity extends to behind the scenes with their writing team that brings “so many cultures together” which so many perspectives to the story.

Lisa also chimes in.

“It’s nice to see something new and different that’s not so stereotypical because we’re so much more than that. It’s long overdue and greatly appreciated that shows like “Rosewood” recognizes that and they’re putting it out there.”

Since Lisa Vidal has been around the Hollywood block, does she have any advice for Ortiz’s new found fame?

“She’s doing exactly what she should be doing. She’s talented. She’s prepared and you can just tell she’s determined. She’s got what it takes.

Too bad for Lisa and Jaina their love fest doesn’t extend to the show. Watch their contentious relationship on Wednesday’s “Rosewood.”


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