Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi Satisfy Their Inner Disney Nerd

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Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder in TANGLEDActress and singer Mandy Moore grew up wanting to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid and TV's Chuck knew all of Alan Menken's music from the Disney films he watched with his sisters. "I'm a fan of all things Disney. I'm a Dis-nerd," proclaimed Zachary to CineMovie during a press event held at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA.  The voice of Flynn Ryder also joked the Disney Channel was his "primary caregiver" as a child.  Mandy also admitting to loving the Disney films and feels a "huge honor" being Rapunzel in a Disney movie.  For both, playing an animated Disney character that will likely become a classic along with The Little Mermaid and Zachary's favorite Disney movie, Aladdin, is a concept they cannot fully grasp. "All of this is a dream come true, bucket list kind of stuff," according to Zachary who grew up doing musical theater.  Having the press event at Disneyland also made Zachary's list of "cool" and described his mood as "pretty stoked."

Mandy and Zachary also have the additional honor of being in Disney's 50th animated film but did they feel the pressure of carrying the film?  Mandy didn't know TANGLED was the 50th Disney movie until a few months ago.  She calls it "lucky" that she was oblivious to the milestone.  "I probably would've felt a little pressure going into the recording process," she said.  Zachary, on the other hand, found out mid-way into the project but it didn't faze him. "Stuff like that is cool but that's really cool."  His only concern was creating a "fun and memorable" Flynn Ryder.

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For Mandy and Zachary, combining their acting and singing talents was something they always imagined but never thought would come to "fruition". Mandy initially debated auditioning for the role because "everyone and their mother would be competing for same role in a Disney film" said the singer.  She decided she "might as well throw" her name in the mix.  She still finds it hard to believe that she's in a Disney film. "It's so weird still."

We knew Mandy Moore could carry a tune but who knew Zachary could belt out an Alan Menken Disney tune.  While he considers himself a Disney nerd and loved the Disney songs as a young kid, he didn't know the composer behind the Disney classics was the legendary composer Alan Menken until he began working on TANGLED.  For being a self-proclaimed Dis-nerd, we're going to have to deduct a point for that oversight.

TANGLED is sure to satisfy all of our inner Disney nerd when it opens November 24th.

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