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New Movie Trailer: Arnold Schwarzenegger Protects A Zombie in MAGGIE

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Arnold Schwarzenegger gets into the zombie business with his new movie, MAGGIE. No, he's not fighting zombies in this movie, but protecting his daughter (Abigail Breslin) from those who want to kill her after being infected by a disease that turns people into zombies. Watch the new trailer for MAGGIE.

MAGGIE takes place in the Midwest during an outbreak of an infectious disease that slowly turns the infected into cannibalistic zombies. Schwarzenegger's daughter succumbs to the disease, but he's sticking with his little girl to protect her from those who are seeking to destroy the transforming monster.

You'd expect an action movie from Schwarzenegger, but MAGGIE seems to be part horror, part drama so it will be interesting to see the end product. What we do know is that Abigail Breslin looks terrifying as the transforming zombie. MAGGIE opens May 22.


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