Surviving 'The Bye Bye Man' Escape Room Experience

Bye Bye Man Escape Room CInemovie 

Want to see a grown man scream? CineMovie's Fer-r-r-nando barely escaped THE BYE BYE MAN Escape Room  at THE BASEMENT: A Live Escape Room Experience in Sylmar, CA. 

BYE BYE MAN, a chilling horror-thriller that exposes the evil behind the most unspeakable acts committed by man. When three college friends stumble upon the horrific origins of the Bye Bye Man, they discover that there is only one way to avoid his curse: don’t think it, don’t say it. But once the Bye Bye Man gets inside your head, he takes control. Is there a way to survive his possession?

Debuting on Friday, January 13th, this film redefines the horror that iconic date represents—stretching our comprehension of the terror this day holds beyond our wildest nightmares.

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