Apple TV Is Very Supportive Of Eugenio Derbez's Acapulco Series, Says Producers, So Should We Expect A Season 4?

Acapulco season 4 news update with producers

ACAPULCO producers Austin Winsberg and Sam Laybourne reveal behind-the-scenes workings of season 3 and Apple TV's support for the bilingual series. Hence, can we assume a Season 4 is a real possibility? CineMovie chatted with the executives running the show for insight into the streaming series.

A new season is now streaming on Apple TV+, and we can't get enough of young Maximo's journey and professional ambitions at the Colinas Hotel, but at what costs? 

In Season 4, there seems to be a shift to more conversations in Spanish which is not unusual for the bilingual series.  The showrunners explain why they made a shift to more Spanish. 

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